Draft in progress…

The Meeting


The first Wikimedia CEE Meeting is expected to be held on 13-14 October 2012 in Belgrade.

The conference program is available at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_CEE_Meeting_2012/Schedule.

WMUA expects that there will be possibility to grant participation and travel costs for two persons from Ukraine.

About Application


Eligibility (who can apply): Any active contributor to a Wikimedia project and / or Wikimedia volunteer in any other capacity, from Ukraine, is considered eligible. Participants in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative and/or educational initiatives are also encouraged to apply.

Selection: All applications for scholarship are reviewed by the Selection Committee (composed from those WMUA Board Members who are not applicants). Criteria for selection are below.

Deadline for submission: The application deadline is September 19, 2012, at 23:59:59 Kyiv time. The the Selection Committee notify on September 21 on the results of their application.


The Selection Committee rates applicants based on a standardized set of criteria. The timeline for the selection program is as follows:

  • September 15 – September 19, 2012 – application open/ The applications should be sent to board wikimediaukraine.org.ua
  • September 20 – September 21, 2012 – Selection Committee reviews applications
  • September 21, 2012 – Applicants are notified about final decisions

Selection criteria


Applicants will be rated on the three dimensions:

  • (A) Current/historic level of participation in Wikimedia (50% of total score),
  • (B) Current/historic level of participation in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative and/or educational initiatives (15% of total score), and
  • (C) Future goals for participating in the Wikimedia movement (35% of total score)

Active within Wikimedia (50%)

Applicants active within Wikimedia are those highly engaged participants in the Wikimedia Projects: editors, Wikimedians, and community members who will add value to Wikimedia CEE Meeting through their experience, knowledge, and dedication in online and/or offline activities, like involvement with chapter activities, meetups, etc. To highlight this, applicants could write about their experiences participating in online Wikipedia activities (such as editing) and offline Wikimedia activities (such as meet-ups, GLAM, and Campus Ambassador program).

  • 4 = Very high level participant, defined by continued involvement and high impact in two or more projects, chapter or Wikimedia initiative (or as the reviewers judge "very high level")
  • 3 = High level participant, defined by continued involvement and high impact in one or more projects, chapter or Wikimedia initiative (or as the reviewer judge "high level")
  • 2 = Mid level participant, defined by continued involvement and average impact in one or more projects, chapter or Wikimedia initiative (or as the reviewer judge "mid level")
  • 1 = Low level participant, defined by relatively new account, few edits, and little or no involvement in any Wikimedia project or initiative.
  • 0 = Not a participant, defined by a brand new account, or almost no edits, and no involvement in any Wikimedia project or initiative.

Activity outside Wikimedia (15%)

Activity outside of Wikimedia measures applicants relevant activity outside of the the Wikimedia movement. This includes other activities relating to ICT4D, Free Software, education institutions, etc. These participants may exhibit qualities of innovation, participation in other aspects of the free culture/open source movement.

It is a measure for those who have shown potential to add value to the Wikimedia projects and movement, who can enhance and build on this potential at/by Wikimedia CEE Meeting, and who can disseminate what they learn at Wikimedia CEE Meeting to their respective communities. If applicable, applicants could write about their experiences with other comparable organizations.

  • 4 = High level participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with very high potential to benefit Wikimedia.
  • 3 = Mid to high level participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with high potential to benefit Wikimedia.
  • 2 = Mid level participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with some potential to benefit Wikimedia.
  • 1 = Low level new participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with low potential to benefit Wikimedia.
  • 0 = Not a participant, defined by no involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiatives.

Future goals for participating in the Wikimedia movement (35%)

Applicants are expected to have concrete goals for how attendance at the Wikimedia CEE Meeting in Belgrade will impact their future involvement in the Wikimedia movement. Applicants should expound upon why they are interested in attending Wikimedia CEE Meeting: what input they can bring to the conference and what they hope to glean from it.

  • 4 = Very strong desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; specific, concrete ideas for how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
  • 3 = Strong desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; a few less developed ideas about how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
  • 2 = Some desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; vague and under-developed ideas for how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
  • 1 = Low or unclear desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; unclear and non-thoughtful ideas for how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
  • 0 = No anticipated involvement with Wikimedia in the future